Ed Kerr - The Stars Proclaim Him lyrics
[Ed Kerr - The Stars Proclaim Him lyrics]
What's been before us all along
Opens ears to hear the Father's heart song
A symphony of praise is heard
All day and through the night
The flowers in the field sing out brightly
A thousand voices, can't you hear them
Callin' out to draw us near Him?
The stars proclaim Him
The heavens declare His wonders
Creation cries out, "Come know the One
Who speaks in the thunder!" beyond forever
He reigns in a timeless kingdom
Throughout all ages, He's called to us
To come and know His name
Creation is His canvas
There is beauty all around
He carefully created what surrounds us
He longs for men to know He lives
He wait's for them to hear
He whispers in the wind
He speaks, He's near us
So why deny Him? There's no reason
The call is clear in every season
The stars proclaim Him
The heavens declare His wonders
Creation cries out, "Come know the One
Who speaks in the thunder!" beyond forever
He reigns in a timeless kingdom
Throughout all ages, He's called to us
To come and know His name
The planets keep their place in orbit
Circling the sun
The star above us shine to make us
Certain of His love
The stars proclaim Him
The heavens declare His wonders
Creation cries out, "Come know the One
Who speaks in the thunder!" beyond forever
He reigns in a timeless kingdom
Throughout all ages, He's called to us
To come and know Him
The stars proclaim Him
The heavens declare His wonders
Creation cries out, "Come know the One
Who speaks in the thunder!" beyond forever
He reigns in a timeless kingdom
Throughout all ages, He's called to us
To come and know His name