ENDØFWØRLD - I’m Sorry songtext (lyrics)

[ENDØFWØRLD - I’m Sorry songtext lyrics]

I remember your face when the birds sang
Sorry for what all this pain brings
I lost myself that's the main thing
If i could go back i would change things
But i can't go back now go back now
Go back now

Im sorry for what i did to you
Im sorry that i wasn't really there for you
You loved me when i couldn't love myself
You were there for me when i needed help
And the sun was shining over the clouds
All i wanted to do was make you proud
Im sorry now noo
Im tryna turn the pages
But it seems like this pain comes in stages
See your face can't erase where the rain is
I don't wanna go can't replace
Where the shame is know how much i loved you
Never will forget you high
Above the clouds its not over now
Shine like the star that you are



I remember your face when the birds sang
Sorry for what all this pain brings
I lost myself that's the main thing
If i could go back i would change things

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