Ezra Koenig, Panda Bear - Ezra Koenig's Batshit Nothing Was The Same" Review Written Word Interlude lyrics

Panda Bear [Noah Lennox] Baltimore, Maryland/Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Ezra Koenig, Panda Bear - Ezra Koenig's Batshit Nothing Was The Same" Review Written Word Interlude lyrics]
The title of Drake’s third album is
Nothing Was the Same surely
This is one of the most aptly named
Albums of the year because on this
Outing Drake shows us an entirely different
Side of himself the album cover
(worth the price of admission alone)
Lets the listener know that
I gotta be honest I didn’t listen
To the whole thing obviously
It’s good you think a Canadian child actor
Would be this successful as a rapper
If he wasn’t good? The dude was sitting
On 25 mil at age 25! (I would love to see
Some documentation on that, by the
Way i’m not saying he didn’t have 25 mil
I’m just saying some of that
Was probably real estate and maybe like
Potential earnings from complicated
Endorsement deals)
People love him because he’s good!
He gets 10 outta 10, oK?
I have heard SOME of it i
Heard that one called "Worst Behaviour
" the "motherfuckers never loved us" one – it
Really struck a chord there are SO
Many motherfuckers out there i’ve
Been making music
Since I was seven years old
(started with piano) so I’ve been betrayed
More times than I can count
You know how many people talk shit
Behind your back and then
Try to be your best friend over
The course of 22 years in
The industry? Drake only got into
Music like five years ago
So if you see how angry he
Now, usually I can forgive but
I won’t forget however
There are some cases where I can forgive
But I won’t forget OR forgive
I remember in early 2007 we were
Opening for this Danish band
In Portland we introduced ourselves after
Soundcheck later in the
Evening, one of their amps stopped
Working and their tour manager
Asked if they could borrow
After the show, I told the singer, Hans
That they sounded great he said he really
Liked our set too then we
Talked about how we both LOVED this
One Animal Collective song he
Said his band was playing in New
York in a few months and
He would DEFINITELY hit me up
When they got into town
Months later, i’m at home in NYC reading
Some blogs on my iPad
(Haha nope, it was a Dell desktop computer
Remember this was 2007
Motherfucker gOTCHA) Oh
Look at this my Danish "friends" are playing
Tomorrow nice! I like those guys
Next morning, i check my phone lots of texts
And e mails from various friends
And business associates A$
U$UAL but, curiously, no
Word from Hans later that afternoon
I check my e mail again nOT
A WORD i check Facebook nOT
A POKE i check fucking MYSPACE
(I should point out that Hans’ band was
In our Top 8 at the time)
I’m starting to get tight so
I call Iggy Azalea
(Oh, Iggy Azalea wasn’t around in 2007?
Hmm so I guess she was
Born in 2008? She’s FIVE YEARS OLD?
GO fuck YOURSELF motherfucker) She
Helps me to cool off she reminds
Me that touring is tough and
Hans is probably overwhelmed maybe I
Should reach out to him
Ok, i’ll send him a text
"Hans, what’s up dude? I see you’re in
New York have time for a drink?
Also I’d love to come to the
Show i see it’s sold out"
I send the text and feel
Relieved but after 20 minutes
I start feeling fucking weird again
Maybe his Danish phone doesn’t work
So well in America? YEAH
TOTALLY that’s probably it
OK, I’ll just hit up my friend who
Works at the Bowery Ballroom to
Get on the list nICE a PLUS
One? don’t mind if i do
I invite Panda Bear to roll
With me he says "SURE
OK, the night’s starting to look pretty good
I start picking out an outfit to
Wear my wife helps me look through
My closet because I am colorblind
Why did I invite Panda Bear and
Not my wife? Fair question
Our son was only two months old at the time
So she didn’t want to leave him with
A babysitter also
All u eagle-eyed readers might remember that
Hans and I bonded over
A shared predilection for a certain song by
A certain band that’s right, motherfuckers
The one and only ANIMAL COLLECTIVE
So I’m picking out my outfit when I hear a
Buzzing sound OMG I’M GETTING A TEXT i
Run upstairs PRAYING it’s from
Hans but… it’s just
Panda Bear again his friend
From college, Nathan
Is in town can I get an
Extra plus on the list?
FINE i make it happen
Flash forward about two hours:
Me, Panda and Nathan are walking to the show
After getting some BBQ in the East Village
(NOT MY IDEA) panda and Nathan won’t stop
Talking about guys from their college frat
I smile and pretend to follow their
Rando stories they keep saying "Oh
This is probably so boring for
You you don’t know anyone
From our college" BUT THEN THEY
Just keep on reminiscing
Also, the FIRST thing Nathan said to me
Was "Where’s the nearest ATM?" Fucking weirdo
We get to the Bowery Ballroom right
As they’re playing their first song
I gotta be honest: they slayed hans’
Voice sounded really pure his
Pitch was great also
The bassist had a grunge-y
Flannel shirt wrapped around
His waist i remember thinking "Good
Call, dude!" This was 2007, motherfucker
The band played their encore
The crowd went mental and we
Headed backstage to say "Hi!"
The security guy stopped us and said our
Passes didn’t give us AAA oK
Lemme just shoot hans a quick text
"AMAZING show man! I’m downstairs with Panda
And his random-ass friend from
College can we come say "Hi!"?
Wanna get a drink?"
As I’m waiting for a reply from Hans
Panda says he wants to go say "Hi!"
To Daniel Bearman from Grizzly Bear at
The bar i didn’t really know Daniel at
The time so I stayed put
OK, now it’s just me and NATHAN
Standing there like fuckING LOSERS
I ask him if he liked the show he says
It was cool and then starts telling me
This completely unrelated story about
How his cousin plays
Cello and takes beta-blockers
Before big auditions
YIKES, just hit my word
Count limit thanks for
Listening fuck HANS panda
You’re cool nathan, i’m sorry
I didn’t give you more of a chance you
Died WAY too young to my ex-wife
I will never stop loving you my failure
To save our marriage haunts me to
This day i hope you and our
Son are enjoying life in Atlanta
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