Falco - Time songtext (lyrics)

[Falco - Time songtext lyrics]

Does anybody really know, what time it is?

Alles sucht Veränderung und sucht
Das schnelle Glück
Jeder will nach vorne heute
Niemand will zurück keiner hat zu wenig
Doch auch selten mal genug
We wanna change our face our name, our look
Business manifestos, schedules, you and me
The reason all behind is jah you know
It's clear to see
That changes is the magic words
We are talking about
Change, change, work it all out

Hey (Oh, oh, oh it's all up to you?)
And the boys are singing
(Oh, oh, oh what'ya gonna do?)

Nothing cause time changed the world
Time changed the game time changed the fame
Time, time, time, time
Time changed the world time changed the game
Time changed the fame time, time, time, time

Technokraten in their ivory tower
Warten stündlich for the golden shower
Ganz im Zeichen der neuen Ordnung
Ertstellt man täglich eine neue Forderung
Ungeachtet subversiver Perspektiven
Stellt man täglich neue Direktiven
Spring auf mich, wir schweigen uns wund
Denn heiß ist das Eis und das weiß dein Mund
Oh, oh, oh, it's all up to you?
And the boys are singing

Hey (Oh, oh, oh it's all up to you?)
And the boys are singing
(Oh, oh, oh what'ya gonna do?)

Nothing cause time changed the world
Time changed the game time changed the fame
Time, time, time, time
Time changed the world time changed the game
Time changed the fame time, time, time, time

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