Fox0r - And Through Your Spine lyrics
[Fox0r - And Through Your Spine lyrics]
Just your typical MC
But I ain't gunna be afraid
I'm not gunna step back
I'm gunna (Chuckles)
Move forward and I'm gunna be who
God made me to be and well who is that
Is that a confident guy
Is that a self-sustaining superstar
Nah it's just me
Hey, you know what
I talked to my mom today that's what's up
She just got out of the hospital it's true
I feel that she's reaching the
End of the road and I don't really feel sad
But I wonder if that's my way of
Protecting me like dad did for me
And I guess this is just life
And I'm sure when it happens
It won't feel right
And I'm sure I'll feel robbed
And you know what
If it was wrestling I'd feel jobbed
But there is no wrеstling ring in life
It's just God doing what he wants to tonight
And all we havе to do is just accept it
Because you know what
Well we can't fight it
We can't get away from our destinies
And what are those destinies
I fear that we're just here to die
That there's no end after the end is nigh
Wait if the end is nigh then
We'll live on forever after tonight
And I well am singing from the grave
I'm letting you know that this
Is the project I made
As a manager of my life and you know what
My wife well she was happy that night
We got married and it was fun and
You know what this is really dumb
Every time I say I'm over her she pops back
Into my head it's absurd
And my vision’s blurred
I guess this is just me the guy
That loved one girl you see
And I've tried to love other people but for
Whatever reason well it just doesn't happen
And I'm feeling quite odd
Quite insane because
I feel so lost in my brain
Thinking only about her and how
I did things wrong but you know what
I'm just kidding because well I
Think I'm falling in love
Again and even if my
Friend does not reciprocate
I guess I'll just wait and wait and wait
Because I’m in love tonight with
This thing that I do
This rapping that I hold in
My heart it’s true
Because it's part of me and I
Love myself because you know what
In life I'm the only one
That's never let me down except I have
And so has everyone else especially my dad
And you know what
I guess that’s just a part of life
And I know that I would have cried before
When I said that but you know what
The medicine you’re on is
Helping out your head
It's making things straight
And everything well
Instead of being real sad you
Just feel real even
And that that is that and you know what
That is cool because it’s the ticket
Back to your kids you fool
So live a quiet little life and
Send thoughts to your wife through
Your heart through your mind through your
Brain and through your spine