Frank Zappa - A Few Moments With Brother A. West lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - A Few Moments With Brother A. West lyrics]
Ah, I'm very pleased to be here on behalf of
The Administration - the most
Powerful government in
The world and, uh, Mr fitzwater invited me to
Come here tonight to create some balance
Because there has been some things
Done by Mr zappa
That I think are unfair to our country
I think, from the beginning, to say that
This is going to be balanced
When he has this lingerie up
Here, and makin' fun of children's
Toys, as a beginning
If this is what he has in mind
I think he's wrong
It's people like Mr frank Zappa that kept the
Senate from being able to send arms to
The democratic freedom fighters in
Nicaragua! And I
For one, am headin' down there myself
As soon as I finish up here tonight
And I want the elected official
Mr charlie Sanders the
Democrat, to remember that "Democrat"
Begins with a "D", just like
DEMON! And we'll remember you, friend
When it comes votin'
Time and Margaret Boyd and
Carmen Belacord, despite habit
Did some help to back things up
Friends, these forms cost money and this
Money could be going towards
A more powerful military this money
Could be going towards
Driving out the illegal aliens instead
Mr zappa wants to have
A bunch of young, uninformed 18
To 21-year-olds votin' here
And spendin' your money
And I just want you to know that tonight
I love
Him anyway because I've got love in my heart
And I'm not afraid of the fact that he turned
This into some kind of zoo up here
Sunday -that's not fair
Mr zappa -Sunday night used to be a night in
Which Americans would get together they'd go
To their place of worship
And they would share and I don't know
Why, on this night which is
Supposed to be Valentine's night
There aren't more people that have
A heart that have a love affair with America
But instead, they're here on Sunday night
Worshipping this man who's demon-possessed!
I ask you, Mr frank Zappa
What kind of man can name a
Child Moon Unit? What kind of
Man can name a child Weasel? What kind of
Man can name a child Ohman? To me
It defies the logic
And I'm comin' here tonight because I
Want to share with him
Just the same way we're going to give spirit
Power to the democratic freedom fighters down
There, our brothers that wanna
Have the freedom to be able to have a
Man like Pat Robertson to have a
Man like Mr dole restore, America!
And I'm gonna ask the power and the joy and
The power of the living king of kings, and
A lot of you here, you
Smut-minded, musical people say
"King of kings, that must be Elvis" no
I'm gonna ask for the power and ask for the
Glory i'm gonna now, I'm gonna tell you a
Story i'm gonna drive out the demons
Friends i'm gonna ask you to help this
Badness end come on Frank
Let's have a story come on now
Share the glory do you feel
The power? Come on, put out the negativity