Frank Zappa - A Series of Musical Episodes lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - A Series of Musical Episodes lyrics]
It's got some words in it Well
It talks about certain body
Functions and discusses
Certain elements of the process of touring
On the road with a rock
& roll band which perhaps
An image of our audience might uh, you know
It might have to grow up to something
So if there is some people
In this audience to feel at this
Time in light of this
Reasonably explicit warning that
This material will
Offend them would they please leave
Right away we don't want anybody complaining
About what goes on now
Will our road manager please leave?
We'll begin with a song called "What The Road
Ladies Do To You" This is a story
About what happens when you go out on the
Road and you get some hot nooky
And then a few days later you get a
Surprise when you go to the toilet
Your pee-pee hurts and uh, we ain't going
For that are you ready, George? Right
Hit it!