Frank Zappa - All Skate/Dun Dun Dun (The Finnish Hit Single) lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - All Skate/Dun Dun Dun The Finnish Hit Single lyrics]
Right now is make something up
One time only for this audience here
Ian will start it off
And how about you, folks
Why don’t you try and sing
Along with this song?
All you have to do is go: DUNT-DUN-DUN!
It's just like you know
In the monster movies
When the monster comes out
It's the part It’s the part that
The cello section always does
You know? The monster comes out
And then it goes dUNT-DUN-DUN!
Okay, you ready? All together now i
Wanna hear if they're in tune dUNT-DUN-DUN!
Now wait a minute
Before I came over here somebody
Told me that the
Finnish people were innately withdrawn
That they were shy and that sometimes, well
People think that they're really reserved
But if there's something that
Would just cut 'em loose one
Time that there was
So much pent-up emotion and
Warmth and craziness locked
Inside of each and everyone of you out there
That if you just had a good enough reason
That you would just spew it
All over Finlandia Hall
Now, work yourselves into
An emotional frenzy
I'm telling you this has to be the music for
You this is the one this is the
Big one this will be your hit single all
You have to do is say: DUNT-DUN-DUN!
You ready?
One more time!
Dunt-Dun-Dun dunt-Dun-Dun
A little bit lower now: Dunt-Dun-Dun dunt
Dunt-Dun dunt-Dunt-Dun-Dun dunt
Dunt-Dun dunnn
Well, that about wraps it up for tonight
Folks thanks very
Much for coming to our concert
We'll see you later, and dunt-Dun-Dun
Thank you