Frank Zappa - Another Weirdo Number lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Another Weirdo Number lyrics]
Will stay in the
Uh I don't know gotta think of
The pacing of the show, you
Know, if the uh i think
I think that you could
Probably tolerate, in your infinite
Wisdom, another weirdo number, so we're
Gonna play part of Lumpy Gravy
This is an extract this
Is another one of our jamming
Tunes, folks, because uh
In the case of this one, I didn't have a
Chance to finish off the
Arrangement for this group
So there's fifty bars written out and then
After that we wing it see if
You can tell where the written music
Stops and the other stuff start
One, two, three, four