Frank Zappa - Audience Participation lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Audience Participation lyrics]
This is audience participation time for
The last couple of
Nights we've actually gone so far into the
Realms of bad taste as
To bring living members
Of the audience onto our stage to
Attempt to dance to the song we
Are about to play now
Many rational individuals might
Feel that this
Is, well it's an unnecessary thing to do
I mean why should you just get
Tense, fidgeting, disinterested
And completely arhythmic individuals onto the
Stage to make their
Bodies flop around to a song that isyou never
Should've danced to it in the first
Place people say to themselves
"Why? Why bother? Why should
Anybody want to do this?
What a stupid fucking
Thing to do!" But ladies and gentlemen
Let me remind you: that is precisely why
We're here: to do all the stupid
Fucking things you're too evolved to
Even consider so I make
This proposal to you i need
Two very bad dancers, i mean no
Talent whatsoever, complete oafs
One boy oaf, and one girl oaf to
Come on up are you an oaf? Yes you are
Right this way please what's your name?
Rob? What's your last name, Rob?
Rob Lip-friend?
All right Rob, can you dance?
Turn around so they can see you
Like your clothes are up
You're looking good what's this? FZ Sucks
And goes home, Hey that's wonderful rob
You're just the
Kind of person we need up here ok
And now one matching female oaf you're not a
Female oaf what? I didn't hear you
How do I know? Ok with an answer
Like that come up what's your name?
Okay i'm sure he's rolling over in his
Grave over that one let's pretend
That we have already achieved our objective
You people decide which one
Is going to be the girl oaf and now
The reason we're not
Going to go "hog wild" as
They say in the trade
I mean the first night we had
Too many people up here
It was so messy here's the
Rules and regulations of our
Dance contest and I hope you
Boys are paying attention to
This this song is approximately two
Minutes long at the
End of the song your time is
Up you will voluntarily remove
Yourselves from the stage during those
Two minutes you are free
To express yourselves in any manner that
You desire so long as
You don't injure each other, any
Member of the audience, or harm
Any of our equipment or any members of the
Rocking teenage combo, is that clear? Ok
In other words for a couple of minutes
It's all yours guysand gals
Maybe? The name of this song is
"The Black Page No 2, "
Okay? One, two, three, four!