Frank Zappa - Black Napkins Instructions lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Black Napkins Instructions lyrics]
Okay moving, moving right along
Now with the deviation
As promised, from last
Night's program what? unfortunately
If I come up here I can't
Hear the drums, see? So Now, here
This is what I
Look like, and with the guitar
Is like this so, we're going
To do another piece now that
The band has never
Played because it's not written
Down, for one thing, but it's so
Simple minded that with a few
Cheap explanations we should be
Able to do it now no, no, not that boy
Do we have a surprise for you
Alright hey gang! The changes for
This song are C# minor
For 2 bars, D major 7 for 2 bars
And that's it and it's in 3
4, and we'll voice it out uh let's see
Oh, you guys just pick any voicing
It's like a let's put
A suspension on top with a C, uh, you can
Have a C#, and a B and an F#
They'll stay over both chords
Only low register instruments can
Play the note D
When it changes to the D major 7
And the low brass should be
Voiced out with bass trombone and
Tuba with a D on
The bottom, and then both of you guys play E
The 9th over that french horns the
A in the middle okay?
And then the trumpets uh c C#, F# and B, and
When it goes to the, the C# minor chord, you
Guys stay on the same notes and you guys move
Ah ah ah d goes down to a C#
The A goes to a G# and the
E stays where it is okay?
Alright so can we hear that
Just a little bit, you
Know? Just it's about One
Two, three, one, two, three
Okay, right, that
That was just a demo okay similar
Voicing over here i'd like to have uh
Both of you guys
On baritone playing those, the root
Boring root progression, and uh
You stay on the alto you
Stay on the sarrusophone
Play the boring bottom end of
It while everybody else
Grabbing you the notes in
Between three piccolos
Oh, you will admit it Basically
What's gonna happen is
I want to play more guitar in the concert
And the easiest way I could do it is just
Have a vamp play like this so, here's
Here's our little jam session for ya
And the, the conductor goes like this