Frank Zappa - Carved in the Rock lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Carved in the Rock lyrics]
This thing wiggles too much
Hey, that's more like it, mm-mm mmh, yes
Bruce Fowler on trombone
Napoleon Murphy Brock on tenor sax
And vocals
Ruth Underwood on percussion
All right!
The gong always gets 'em
Ralph Humphrey on drums
Chester Thompson on drums
Tom Fowler on bass
George Duke on keyboards
Alright now
Let me get myself tuned up and then
We'll do a suave program for you
Hi, Frank!
Alright well, Ian's busy he's uh, he's
With his parents in uhm, uh
Florida but he'll be back in town soon
Ladies and gentlemen yeah
Now, we're gonna open up with
Some Hey! Brian Krokus, ladies
And gentlemen, right back there!
He is our mixer
And of course there's another mixer out
In the truck and you can't see
Him but he's awfully cute, his
Name is Kerry McNabb and he can
Hear us talking about him, but
Well, you're missing the best part of what's
Going out on out in the truck
We're gonna open our program with a song
That deals with the subject of
The possibility of extra-terrestrial
Beings visiting this planet a long time ago
Now, some of you might have
Read a book called
Chariots Of The Gods by Erich Von Däniken
And there's a little thing in there
It's a picture of this
Area in the Andes called the plains of Nazca
Ladies and gentlemen and
There's these carvings on the top of the
Rock that you don't know what
They're supposed to be
For it doesn't look like it
Would have been a road, because it doesn't
Go anywhere, and there's a bunch of
'em, and some people think
Well maybe it was a
Landing field but the carvings are very, very
Old and they're very, very big, you
Know, indicating that the people
Who made them
Were highly, uh, well, they were
Heh heh they really had their together for
The things that carved in the rock
And it's possible that if
They were landing fields
That the things that landed on them
And so we have a song
Which features the lovely voice of Mr george
Duke, and the name of this song
Is "Inca Roads" Take it away, george