Frank Zappa - Do You Like My New Car? lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Do You Like My New Car? lyrics]
Something i mean, seriously
I'm tellin' you this is the first time
That any of my girlfriends and I
Have ever met anybody really
From Hollywood i mean, really my girlfriend
Jim, and Ian, and Aynsley, and
Bob, and Frank i mean, none of us
Pleased to meet you
Hi Howie
We never met a pop star
From Hollywood tell me something
Have you ever met Davey
Jones? or Bobby Sherman?
No no, I
I mean david Cassady, he's so
Jimmy Greenspoon, once I
Three Dog Night?!
Oh! I love them! They're my
Favorite band! ow gawd oh
Do you like my new car? I'm ah my
Dad just gave it to me for graduation
Ah yeaah?! I'ts a it's a
Fillmore, isn't it? Real futuristic
Do you know how
To get to the ah Hollywood Inn from here?
No, ah which one is it?
(burp) excuse me it's the one by
The airport you know cause we
Gotta get up early an' fly
Outta here in the morning, y'know
Oh, I didn't know that where do you
Guys play tomorrow night? I mean
I'd like to come maybe in
Your bus or somethin' yeah?
In the BUS!
Come in the bus, huh? tomorrow we're in ah
Let's see tierra del Fuego
Ook! You're so professional, Howie!
Oh, it's not it's nothing
Howie, I mean, the way you gettin' tp-tp
To play, an all these exotic places, i mean
Tell me something tell me and my girl- tELL
Do you really have a hit
Record on the charts now? with a BULLET?
I mean that's really important to me
Listen, honey Would I lie to you
Just to get in your pants?
He-Het! Listen! Hey
Listen to me tellin' ya WE ARE NOT GROUPIES!
Naw, I never i never said
We are not groupies! You
Better understand that! i
Told Robert Planet, I told Elton John
I told all those big guys
Robert PLANET?! We are not groupies!
No, I never
Roger Daltrey never laid a hand on me!
Yaw it's obvious to see why listen, I never
Tell him! Tell him right now!
We only like musicians for
F-friends you know?
Real straight arrow, Howie, Really
Just for friends, howie
But we still like you yeah we
Wouldn't mind coming in your bus, but
I mean, we still want to hear your record
Listen you chicks!now didn' didn't you just
Say that you got off bein'
Juked with a BABY OCTOPUS and
Spewed upon with cream corn?
An' that your hair-lipped
Dyke-o bass-playing girlfriend
On the backseat had to
Have it with a YOO-HOO bottle
Or she went apeshit?!
O-o-o oh
What's the deal, baby? Come on
Howie! Howie, lissen yo me all that's true
Come across
All that's true
And sometimes I even dig it with
A Doctor Brown's Cream Soda or
A CEL-RAY! but! we are not groupies!
No matter what you think
No, I never
We are not groupies
You see, there seems to be some
Kind of a communication problem
Honey because I i am a lonely guy from outta
Town, y'know an' an' I want
Some ACTION what I'm talkin'
About is, I wanna a-a-steaming
Succulent ever-widening, gooey, drippy
Runny kind of a hole with a with
How shall I put this what say
We hop in the trunk of your
Hey! hey hey hey heyy jesus!
I'm in this band, man
Very agile, Howie, very agile
I am in this band no matter what
We do up here it's all
Now lissen! It just so happend tonight
Me and my girlfriends, I mean
We've all come here for one thing tonight
Looking for a guy and we're looking
For a guy from a group
But he's gotta have a dick!
And he's gotta have a dick that's a monster!
WAAAAAAAAH! that's me! That's
Me! ooh! oooohh, you voluptouns
Manhattan Island clit take me i'm yours
You hole fulfill my wildest dreams!
O-o-o oh! Anything for you
My most seductive
Seclusive pop star of a man picture this
If you can bead jobs! knotted nylons! bamboo
Canes! three unreleased recordings
Of Crosby, Stills
Nash and Young fighting in the dressing-room
Of the Fillmore East! Why
'n enchilada wrapped with pickle
Sauce shook up
And down in between a donkey's
Legs until he can't it stand
Anymore! All this and
More, Howie! Including! an electric
Coolde pony harness
With fuel injection fuel
Injection fuel injection
Oooh! my god, I i i can't
Stand it! i mean i mean
Dou you understand the implications of
What I'm saying? I
Can't stand it! i can't stand it! i
CAN'T STAND IT! OH NO! oh my god i'm
Going home! I'm gonna see my baby
(etc) I really can't stand it please
Give it to me give it to me right here in
The trunk of your Gremlin
With the pickles sauce shoved
Up between a donkey's ass until
He can't come anymore!
Hey hey! haha! Not until you sing me
Your big hit record! and I
Want to hear the big hit record
And I wanna hear it now
An' I wanna hear the big hit record
Now with a bullet! With a bullet!
The bullet?
The part that gets
Me the hottest hehe! now sing me
That record, and I wanna hear it right
Now or you ain't driving nowhere tonight
Well, I know when I'm licked all over okay
Bend over and spread 'em!
Here comes my bULLET!
(all sing Happy Together)