Frank Zappa - Getting Stewed lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Getting Stewed lyrics]
Coming to you direct from high atop the
Konrad Adenauer Inn just a short forty
Five minute rocket flight
From where Cape Canaveral meets
The Alcan Highway, twenty minutes
Down Route 66
Just a short hop skip and a jump
From the corner of Sunset and Fifth
Avenue high atop one Fifth
Avenue where we're listening to the
Rancid rhythms of Riles
Mizzinnitz and his music to make
You wanna throw up yes
And coming up right after
This, ladies and gentlemen
The Five Rancid Fingers of
Ben Zedrine and his strings
Silly side and cut ups
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here we go into
Another thing no, not into another thing
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad
Because it's time to
Say that you're listening to the National Bum
Rushing Company and we're all sitting around
The table here stewed, ladies and gentlemen
And we're sitting here in Spokane
Washington right on
Would beyond the reef can Can
I hope this is it, because I can't
Go on crooning forever, come on in, boys!