Frank Zappa - Goblin Girl lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Goblin Girl lyrics]
De Goblin Girl from da mystery world
Hob noblin wit de goblin
She's black 'n green 'Cause it's Halloween
Raggedy black is the way she dress
Little green shoes 'N her hair's a mess
On Halloween night at de costume ball
She's a Goblin Girl
An' she can gobble it all she's a goblin
A Goblin Girl she's a goblin
A Goblin Girl i been hobblin'
'Cause of the Goblin goblin Girl goblin Girl
Some girls like to dress like a witch
Some girls like to dress like a queen
Best way a girl can dress for me
Is in a Goblin Suit (They look so cute)
When they're a goblin there ain't a problin
When they're a goblin i start a-wobblin'
Pink all over some is tan
Goblin Girls from every land
They look good from any which-a-way
Every Halloween you can hear me say:
"Goblin Girl, take it away " hob noblin
Wit de goblin de Goblin Girl
From da mystery world de Goblin Girl
From da mystery world (trick or treat now)
De Goblin Girl from da mystery world
(trick or treat now) de Goblin Girl
From da mystery world
Doreen don't make me wait (How 'bout you?)
Til tomorrow (Poo ahh)
Ohhh-ho no (Got nothin' fer yer honey?)
Please darling (How 'bout girls?)
Let me gobble tonight
(Poo ahh! How 'bout you?)
An' it'll be awright (whooo)
(Poo ahh! Sweetheart) you
(How 'bout you?) can't make me say
I won't burble-ble-ble-ble all over you
(Are you sure?) my snout
(How 'bout you?) is burning with love
And it wants you tonight
(Got nothin' fer yer honey? Poo ahh)
I hope you're good and tight (Are you sure?)
(How 'bout you?) talkin' 'bout the bad girls
(How 'bout yer) all the Goblin Girls
(Are you pOO-AHH)
Talkin' 'bout the bad, bad girls
(Sweetheart) the little Goblin Girls
(Come on, Roy, right here) oh, the bad girls
Some are called Doreen (How 'bout you?)
Some are dressed in green
They're tricking your treat
But they're bad girls they're very bad girls
(leprechaun light, Ay)
They make your face look like
You got scales on it but that's okay
(leprechaun light, POO-AHH)
When the green light shines down (Ay)
On the black guys in the band
(leprechaun light, POO-AHH)
Everybody in the audience
Thinks they're seeing something
That looks like it's made out of fish skin
(Ay, leprechaun light)
But Coy leaves the green gels in the truss
Because he knows the guys in the front
Really enjoy looking like they have
Scales all over their body