Frank Zappa - Irate Phone Calls lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Irate Phone Calls lyrics]
Uh This song is from an album called One Size
Fit's All well I'm surprised you people
Have heard of it didn't sell worth a shit
But that's not your fault
We have Warner Bros to thank for
That we got By the way, some of you might
Have been here last night we ran a
Slide on the uh, screen it said
"Warner Bros sucks
" and we've got some irate phone calls today
Got a call from one of the
Big people at Warner Bros one of the
People that you can't ever get
On the telephone this guy actually
Called up and said
"I've heard you had a banner at
Your concert the other night in New York
That said, 'Warner Bros
Record Company Sucks'
" and Bennet had to tell him that, "No
It was only a slide" And then the poor
Guy who shall go nameless and
Other things, he said
"Isn't there some way that
We can make Frank stop saying bad
Things about our record company?" And
There is a way to make Frank
Stop talking about Warner Bros
But it's not going to be easy the problem
With this song we're gonna do right
Now, and see
Perellis thought this song was gonna
Be a hit i think he thought this song was
Gonna be a hit now
I always liked the song some of you may still
Like the song, but there's no way in the
World this tune could be a hit because
First of all, the words were in German now
We're not even gonna do the words
We're just gonna play the tune the name
Of this song is "Sofa #2"