Frank Zappa - Lumpy Gravy I lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Lumpy Gravy I lyrics]
This should be a very dynamite show
Bit of nostalgia for the old folks!
I'm advocating dark clothes
If I'm not alone how long have I been asleep?
As long as I have
Did you ever live in a drum? No
Well then you aren't me
I only dreamt I lived in a drum ever
Since it got dark dreaming is hard
Yeah, but with nothing over your head?
No, just light over my
Head and underneath too
I don't think I could take it
Without anything over my head
Mm mmh, I couldn't either
Well why don't you go out
And see what's out there?
Well i don't know if that's what's out there
Now that's a thought if you'd like
Yes but still you can say darker
And darker i don't know
What the outside of this thing
Looks like at all i do it's dark and murky
How do you get your your water so dark?
'Cause I'm paranoid i'm very paranoid
And the water in
My washing machine turns dark out of sympathy
Out of sympathy? Yes
Um where can I get that?
At your local drugstore how much?
It's from Kansas
Bored out 90 over with 3 Stromberg 97's
Almost Chinese, huh? Yeah!
Good bread, 'cause I was making
Uh $271 an hour
I keep switching girls all the time
Because if I'm able to find
A girl with really a groovy car
That ain't built up, man
I'll go steady with her for a while until I'd
Build up her car and blow out the engine!
I worked in a cheesy newspaper company for
A while but that was terrible
I wasn't making enough money
To build anything
Louie, louie
And then I worked in a printing company
And a couple a gas stations oh
At the gas station where I was
Working my brother just got married
And uh he bought a new car and
His wife was having a kid
And all this miserable stuff
And he needed a job so I
Gave him a job at the gas station of
Which I was fired because, you know, he
Was gonna work there and he had his car on
The rack and he was lubing and changing
Tires and everything all the time and so they
Got fired because he was goofing off, man
And he just kept taking parts and
Working on his car
Day and night and so he lost that
Job and he went to work in another gas
Station he took that one, you know
So he could feed the kids and that and
I went to work in an aircraft
Company, and uh i was building these
Planes i worked on the XB-70, i was the
Last welder on there yeah but, it was
Pretty good bread because I was making, uh
$271 an hour i was making a hundred and
A quarter a week, and uh yeah
It was good enough money to be working
On, so I got an Oldsmobile
A groovy Olds but I was going with this
Chick at that time by the time I
Got the Olds running decently
She went out and
Tore up the engine, and the trans
And a – her and a girlfriend
They get in there and
Booze it up and tear up
The seats just ripped the
Seats completely out so uh when
I got a '56 Olds
Which was this one chick's I was going with
And uh we used to drive out all over the
Place and finally she got rid of that
And uh i got another pickup!
Oh man
I don't know if I can go through this again!