Frank Zappa - Mondello's Revenge lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Mondello's Revenge lyrics]
People in the combo before
We play another tune for you larry
Mondello no, this see, i'll tell you
What the Larry Mondello is all about
There is a show that's on
Television Leave It To Beaver, you
Know that show? Well, anyway
This is Mark Volman and howard Kaylan
Formerly of The Turtles for their lives
Since that show came out there
Always being mistaken for Larry Mondello even
Here tonight people just really
Believed that these were the guys
Okay, so, Mark, Howie, ian Underwood on
Keyboards, Aynsley Dunbar on drums
George Duke on electric piano and organ
And Jeff Simmons STS 1057 on bass
And of course little Frankie
Zappa fingers Zappa
We call him take it away, fingers
The name of this song is "The Clap" have
To get into sort of a primordial
Tuning for this we'd like to dedicate this
Song to The Red Throbber which
You've all got one
Here we go