Frank Zappa - Necessity lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Necessity lyrics]
The Mothers, and then
Uh, when we finally got
Our record contract with MGM
some pinhead there had decided that this was
A bad name for a group
And that no radio station would ever play
Our records because the name was too
Risqué and they were suggesting other things
That we should change it to
So, out of necessity we became
The Mothers Of Invention it
Was Just by adding those other
Two words to it
We were able to keep the record company
Happy but naturally, the radio stations
Didn't play the music anyway
Because it wasn't
About the name of the band, it
Was what we were singing about
And the way the music sounded
Because at the time, it was, you know
If you were a good musician, you
Were a motherfucker, and Mothers was short
For collection of motherfuckers and actually
It was kind of presumptuous to
Name the band that, because we
Weren't that good musicians
We were but by bar band standards
In the area, we were light-years ahead of our
Competition, but in terms
Of real musicianship
I just suppose we were right
Down there in the swamp