Frank Zappa - Nig Biz lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Nig Biz lyrics]
They said I'd be a big star
They said I'd get a big car
All the coke I could toot
All the dope I could shoot
All the smoke I could smoke
But now I'm beat up 'n broke
They said I oughta re-record
"The Tracks Of My Tears"
They said, "Hey! This is it!
It's gonna be a big hit"
With my name up in lights
And some custom made tights
All the girls call my name (Massimo)
But it was all just a game nigga Biznis
Nigga Biznis well, Nigga Biznis all the time
Well, Nigga Biznis has brought disaster
On top of this here heart of mine
(Right now's the time to play the blues)
Well, one day that contract will expire
One day I will be free from that Nig (oh)
Oh, Nig-ig-ig (oh) nigga Biznis office
Nigga Biznis office representing me
Nigga Biznis nigga Biznis
Oh, Nigga Biznis all the time, all along
Well, Nigga Biznis has brought destruction
Which is why you're hearin' this song