Frank Zappa - Promiscuous lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - Promiscuous lyrics]
S'posed to give you all the poop
But when he's with PMRC
The poop he's scoopin' amazes me
C-Span showed him, all dressed up
In his phony Doctor God get-up
He looked in the camera and fixed his specs
'N gave a little lecture 'Bout anal sex
Anal sex anal sex
Anal sex anal sex
He says it is not good for us
We just can't be promiscuous
He's a doctor - he should know
It's the work of the Devil, so
Girls, don't blow! Don't blow
Don't blow
Don't blow Jimmy, don't blow Bobby
Get yourself another hobby
(If Jesus practiced medicine
I'm sure he'd do it just like him)
Is Doctor Koop a man to trust?
It seems at least that Reagan must
(But Ron's a trusting sort of guy -
He trusts Ed Meese i wonder why?)
The AMA has just got caught
For doin' stuff it shouldn't ought
All they do is lie and lie
Where's Doctor Koop? He's standin' by
Surgeon General? What's the deal?
Is your epidemic real?
Are you leaving something out?
Something we can't talk about?
A little green monkey over there
Kills a million people? That's not fair!
Did it really go that way?
Did you ask the CIA?
Would they take you serious
Or have THEY been promiscuous