Frank Zappa - The central scruinizer lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - The central scruinizer lyrics]
Just sneaks up on
You he looks like a cheap sort of flying
Saucer about five feet across
With a snout-like megaphone
Apparatus in the front with two big eye
Nted like appletons with miniature
Motorized frowning chrome
Eyebrows over them along the side of
His disc-like body are several
Sets of stupid-looking
Headers and exhaust hoses which apparentl
Pel him and punctuate his dialogue
With horrible smelling smoke
Rings in the middle of his head we
Can see an airport wind
Sock and constantly twirling
Anemometer the bottom of him has a landi
Ght and three spoked wheels in
Spite of all this
It is obvious that the way he really gets
Around is by being dangled from place
To place by a union guy with a
Dark green shirt up in the roof
S eating a sandwich
(pieces of which drop off every once in
A while and lodge themselves near
The hole where they put the oil
In that makes the cheap smoke)
He hovers into view and speaks to us thusly
Central scrutinizer:
This is the central scrutinizerit is
My responsibility to enforce
All the laws that haven't been passed yet
It is also my responsibility
To alert each and
Every one of you to the potential c
Uences of various ordinary
Everyday activities you might be performing
Which could eventually lead to
The death penalty
(or affect your parents' credit rating)
Our criminal institutions are f
F little creeps like you who do
Wrong thingsand many of them
Were driven to these crimes by
A horrible force called music!
Our studies have shown that this
Horrible force is so
Dangerous to society at large
That laws are being
Drawn up at this very moment to stop it
Forever! cruel and inhuman punishments
Are being c
Lly described in tiny paragraphs so they
Won't conflict with the constitution
(which, it'self, is being modified in order
To accommodate the future)
I bring you now a special
Presentation to show what
Can happen to you if you choose a
Career in musicthe white zone
Is for loading and
Unloading onlyif you have to load or unload
Go to th te zone you'll love itit's a way of
Lifeha, ha, ha, ha, hahi, it's me
I'm back this is the central
Scrutinizerthe white zone is
For loading and unloading onlyif
Yah gotta loa if yah gotta unload
Go to the white zone you'll
Love itit's a way of life that's right
Love it, it's a way of life, that's right
You'll love it, it's a way of life
You'll love i
Is, is, the central scrutinizer!