Frank Zappa - FZ on Varèse lyrics

Frank Vincent Zappa [Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.] 🇺🇸
[Frank Zappa - FZ on Varèse lyrics]
That if I had a power
Trio and just a wall of
Marshall amplifiers and a minimal
PA system that all you put
Through was the vocals, and we
Traveled around in limousines and lived
In first-class hotels forever
I could still make 10 times the
Amount of money that I
Make on tour right now but
That's not the reason I
Tour, I like to play music
And I like to hear music come
Out as good as possible for
The largest number of people
And so if I earn a
Profit from doing concerts or
Making records
A large portion of that is reinvested into
The equipmеnt that produces the sound onstage
Or to usе extra amounts of studio time to
Try and get a better performance both
Technically from the musicians' standpoint
And from the
Audio standpoint of the music that
I write and I think Varèse would
Have done the same thing
He was hampered by composing at a time
When the electronic facilities to make his
Ideas a reality were not readily available
To him i have that luxury
And I don't think I should sit back on
My butt and just let it go along
I started writing so-called "serious
Music" or non-rock-and-roll
Music about the time I was 14
And I didn't write anything
That even resembled
Rock and roll or rhythm and
Blues until I was 20 i rejected most
Of 20th-century music i made quite a
Study of it i'd buy every record
That was available on new pieces
And most of them are horrible
They don't have any musicality to 'em
They're intellectual exercises that
Don't do anything
For me and I liked Varèse's
Music from the minute that I heard
It it was beautiful and
I couldn't understand it when
My mother started screaming
At me to take it in the
Other room 'cause it bothered her while she
Was ironing you know, I'd say
"But listen to the siren in this! Listen to
The drums!" She wouldn't get off on that
And I found that I would bring
People home from school and say, "Have
I got a record for you" And
I would play that for 'em
And they would look
At me like I was crazy but I
Insisted that what he was writing was
Really beautiful and I would
Tell everybody about it when I got a chance
And in putting that little quote
On the first few albums
That "that present day composer
Refuses to die, " by putting his name on the
Albums, I led a lot of people
In the direction of his music
And people still come up to me and
Say that they're glad I put that on there
'cause they heard the music
And they really got
Off on it and I think if you get
A chance, you oughta check it out, too
The works I like the best is the performance
Of the Arcana by the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
And there's a good record on
Nonesuch that has some interesting
Recording techniques and good performances of
Some of his pieces