Guru Groove Foundation - Game текст песни

[Guru Groove Foundation - Game текст песни]

This is a situation stronger than obsession
Is there anybody someone wants to hold my body
Love taste is on my tongue
Nacked neck and smooth moan
This is the sweet obsession
I’m in game

This is a situation stronger than obsession
Is there anybody someone wants to hold my body
Love taste is on my tongue
Nacked neck and smooth moan
This is the sweet obsession
I’m in game

This is a situation stronger than obsession
Is there anybody someone wants to hold my body
Love taste is on my tongue
Nacked neck and smooth moan
This is the sweet obsession
I’m in game

You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
Looking for somebody
Looking for somebody

This is a situation stronger than obsession
Is there anybody someone wants to hold my body
Love taste is on my tongue
Nacked neck and smooth moan
This is the sweet obsession
I’m in game

This is a situation stronger than obsession
Is there anybody someone wants to hold my body
Love taste is on my tongue
Nacked neck and smooth moan
This is the sweet obsession
I’m in game

You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
Looking for somebody
Looking for somebody

You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
Looking for somebody
Looking for somebody

You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
Looking for somebody
Looking for somebody

You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
You can smooth my obsession
Looking for somebody
Looking for somebody

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