Ivy Sole - Wasted songtext (lyrics)

[Ivy Sole - Wasted songtext lyrics]

You said I would be lonely
You said you were the only one
To give me what I’m missing
That no one else could hold me down
Quite like you do but baby listen closely
I’d still be around
If I wanted what you’re giving
I’d rather be by myself
Than under your spell and now I’m wasted
Thinking about the time we wasted together
What’s done is done
Ain’t no more love between us

Why did we deserve a second chance?
Baby, did we earn another a try? I
Know I was running from the truth
Every time I pushed through for you, yeah
You had me doing things that I would never do
You had proving things I
Shouldn’t have to prove
The signs were there from the start
You can charge it to my head and my heart

And now I’m wasted
Thinking about the time we wasted together
What’s done is done
Ain’t no more love between us
And now I’m wasted
Thinking about the time we wasted together
What’s done is done
Ain’t no more love between us

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