JuJu Rogers - Officer songtext (lyrics)

[JuJu Rogers - Officer songtext lyrics]

Let me tell you of a situation I hate
Friday night for God's sake
Young brother like I got payed
I'm just tryna have a good night
Celebrate the good-life
But shit, that ain't what it looks like
Cause here is Officer waiting on the corner
Pulling over everyone that looks
Just like a "foreigner"
Hate how they discriminate
Sour just like lemonade
They say it's just their job but
We all know that they simulate!
Trying to demonstrate power and intimidate
Keeping the block hot like a dinner plate!
So they stop me
I pull over to the right side
Handcuffs good to see for
Everyone that drives by
They got another one - is what
They think but I'm an
Other one - one that you
Cop cowards get nothing from!
Then he blinds me with his flashlight
Tells me I better act right
And lets me go, but only that night

The other day I took the
Train back home from school
I met a brother at the station
Made his way home too
Chilling hard in out department
Sharing smartness
The vibe was love and another
Brother at the far end
So we involved him, paying attention
Never bothering the Officers
That where entering
And straight came to me and my man Abu
Rudely asking questions about where
We tried to go and please, show our IDs
Without the please
Gave him the card that i had
Taken out my wallet he
Snatched it out my hand
Checked whats in my pants
And left without a single word of apology!
Straight to the brother who was
Seated a couple meters
From us and did the same
Procedure in front the people
They where shocked - but we were not
These are the problems we have got
It needs to stop!

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