Juvel Christensen - S:T JULES Text (lyrics)

[Juvel Christensen - S:T JULES Text lyrics]

So you're serious, you're really gonna quit?

The life, most definitely

So if you're quitting the life
What'll you do?

That's what I've been sitting here
Contemplating first, I'm gonna
Deliver this case to Marsellus then
Basically, I'm gonna walk the earth

What do you mean, walk the earth?

You know, like Caine in "KUNG FU"
Just walk from town to town, meet
People, get in adventures

How long do you intend to walk the earth?

Until God puts me where he want me to be

What if he never does?

If it takes forever, I'll wait forever

So you decided to be a bum?

I'll just be Jules, Vincent – no
More, no less

No Jules, you're gonna be like those
Pieces of shit out there who beg for
Change they walk around like a bunch
Of fuckin' zombies, they sleep in
Garbage bins, they eat what I throw
Away, and dogs piss on 'em they got
A word for 'em, they're called bums
And without a job, residence, or
Legal tender, that's what you're
Gonna be – a fuckin' bum!

Look my friend, this is just where
Me and you differ –

– what happened was peculiar – no
Doubt about it – but it wasn't water
Into wine

All shapes and sizes, Vince

Stop fuckin' talkin' like that!

If you find my answers frightening
Vincent, you should cease askin'
Scary questions

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