Keiichi, REMEDY - ​stahp playing w (me) songtext (lyrics)

[Keiichi, REMEDY - ​stahp playing w me songtext lyrics]

And I've been holding on tight
Been holding on tight
So please just stand by, I'll pretend to die

Stop please, I know you wanna get my hopes up
Please leave me alone, stay with me tho
(switch) i don't know (I don't know)
What I should do? (I should do?)
Been thinking of you (Thinking of you)
Been drinking and using, is this so amusing?

And I've been holding on tight
Been holding on tight
So please just stand by, I'll pretend to die

Tell me am I wasting my time
I lie awake at night
'Cause you're my only light and
It feels so right
I'm thinking about you I've figured you out
Baby, please give me what I need from you
Sometimes when I'm alone
I think it is too much to take
'Cause everytime I offer you my
Love you turn away

And I've been holding on tight
Been holding on tight
So please just stand by
I'll pretend to die (switch)

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