Killstation - Klexos lyrics
[Killstation - Klexos lyrics]
And then that record was all done
Right in this room literally
For over two years and, in someways, it's an
Interesting kind of um, journey
It's like I'm able to stop other parts of
My life to really just see what happens
If you go as far as you
Can go down a certain path
And that path might lead you
Somewhere else and yes
Nothing's holding me back from trying that
Uh, expect the price you pay kind of
Become very unbalanced as a human being
Then you also start to
Realize retrospect that
Maybe a reason for doing that is
'cause you' re running away from life and
You don't know how to live
There's all these things i thought
Well i'll get into that
Someday, like, you know a family
Or real friends or, you know
Learning other things things in life
Yeah, and running away by time in a studio so
But a much more conscious