LA Rodriguez - Metal Face Alex lyrics
[LA Rodriguez - Metal Face Alex lyrics]
Or just maybe I'm not as fun as i thought
When you closed your eyes then you shot
And you hit my heart and you shocked me
I saw a spark you turn the green into dark
You packed your flowers in bowls
And packed your beauty in my art
How could i even pretend to pretense
You know you still do it's the first step
To letting go of letting go of you
So now I'm sitting here
Thank You, No Thank You i'm fine thank you
I'm fine with you leaving your scarf
And never coming back for it
Just run and run please
Never come back Forrest i saw your game
I was screaming please like me i'm human too
Or am i too human too pursue you
I'm vulnerable with my heart on my sleeve
Your too sleezy to see
You're not easy to please
Just not easy for me so just
Likey like me lovey dovey
Trust me hug me fuck me
Just me and we'll be fine
Hopefully hold me tight rosary open mic
Open seat holy grail holy please holy shit
You're what i'm looking for
We cuddle under stars and watch cartoons
Your favorite ones we can adventure
Venture out anytime you like you can ride
You don't even need a bike or a home just us