Lady - The Ladies Defence: (Chap. 1) lyrics
[Lady - The Ladies Defence: Chap. 1 lyrics]
Of our Right Until now
I thought you knew not how
To Write: Dull heavy Morals
Did your Pens employ And
All your business was
To pall our Joy: With frightful Tales
Our Ears you still did grate, and we
With awful Reverence heard you
PrateHeard you declaim
On Vice, and blame the Times
Because we impudently shared your Crimes
Those darling Sins you wholly would
Engross: And when disturbed, and fretting
At your loss, With whining Tones
And a pretended Zeal, saw you
The Rancor of your Minds Reveal Till now
None of your Tribe
Were ever kind, Good Humor is
Alone to you confined You
Who against those Terrors of
Our Lives, Those worst of Plagues
Those Furies called our
Wives, Have shewed your Anger
In a Strain Divine
Resentment sparkles in each
Poignant LineSure you've
The Fate of wretched Husbands met
And 'tis your own Misfortune you regretYou
Could not else with such a feeling
Sense Expatiate on each Fault
And Blazon each Offence