LEXIKA, Niacavaon - Why I Get High songtext (lyrics)

[LEXIKA, Niacavaon - Why I Get High songtext lyrics]

I can't tell my wrongs from my rights
So I gotta go to hell, that's why I get high
She just wanna fuck and she makes me cry
The devil took my soul, baby let me die

You told me you love me, I told you're tired
You're so much perfect, I rather go cry
You can't help me and I can't fight
Just one more question: "Would you
Say it at night?"

You're my sugar candy, everything
You know that I'm addicted
And you know that I do anything
Accept it, it's for me
I know that you don't want my heart
But it's also having me
You let me feeling good
Even if I don't know you're
The sugar in my blood
I don't want you go home
'Cause every time I miss you, bae
I wish I never would

You told me you love me, I told you're tired
You're so much perfect, I rather go cry
You can't help me and I can't fight
Just one more question: "Would you
Say it at night?"
You're my sugar candy, everything
You know that I'm addicted
And you know that I do anything
Accept it, it's for me
I know that you don't want my heart
But it's also having me

I can't tell my wrongs from my rights
So I gotta go to hell, that's why I get high
She just wanna fuck and she makes me cry
The devil took my soul, baby let me die

I can't tell my wrongs from my rights
So I gotta go to hell, that's why I get high
She just wanna fuck and she makes me cry
I can't tell my wrongs from my rights
So I gotta go to hell, that's why I get high
She just wanna fuck and she makes me cry
The devil took my soul, baby let me die

You told me you love me, I told you're tired
You're so much perfect, I rather go cry
You can't help me and I can't fight
Just one more question: "Would you
Say it at night?"

You're my sugar candy, everything
You know that I'm addicted
And you know that I do anything
Accept it, it's for me
I know that you don't want my heart
But it's also having me
You let me feeling good
Even if I don't know you're
The sugar in my blood
I don't want you go home
'Cause every time I miss you, bae
I wish I never would

You told me you love me, I told you're tired
You're so much perfect, I rather go cry
You can't help me and I can't fight
Just one more question: "Would you
Say it at night?"
You're my sugar candy, everything
You know that I'm addicted
And you know that I do anything
Accept it, it's for me
I know that you don't want my heart
But it's also having me

I can't tell my wrongs from my rights
So I gotta go to hell, that's why I get high
She just wanna fuck and she makes me cry
The devil took my soul, baby let me die

I can't tell my wrongs from my rights
So I gotta go to hell, that's why I get high
She just wanna fuck and she makes me cry
The devil took my soul, baby let me die

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