Marli - Won't Be Walking Away letra (lyrics)

[Marli - Won't Be Walking Away letra lyrics]

Girl you got it going on
I′ll be there in a heartbeat
Tell me you're favorite song
I′ll put it on repeat
I could wait for you forever
Through the storms and rainy weather yeah

You're like New York in the sunshine
I'm a fool yeah i gone love blind
And ooh yeah got my heart out
And it′s covered in gold

Like the moonlight over Hollywood
And it′s cool yeah cause you know it's good
Oh, baby we′ll never get old

Heading down Cali driving round with my baby
Top drops and rain drops
Motion got me so faded my heart
Got mе going all crazy and I
Won't be walking away yeah

Won′t be walking away yеah

Won't be walking away yeah

You′re like New York in the sunshine
I'm a fool yeah i gone love blind
And ooh yeah got my heart out
And it's covered in gold

Like the moonlight over Hollywood
And it′s cool yeah cause you know it′s good
Oh, baby we'll never get old

Heading down Cali driving round with my baby
Top drops and rain drops
Motion got me so faded my heart
Got me going all crazy and I
Won′t be walking away yeah

Heading down Cali driving round with my baby
Top drops and rain drops
Motion got me so faded my heart
Got me going all crazy and I
Won't be walking away yeah

Won′t be walking away yeah

Won't be walking away yeah

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