Meg - Invisible Ink (Is What I’ll Use) testo (lyrics)

[Meg - Invisible Ink Is What I’ll Use testo lyrics]

Invisible ink is what I'll use
To write my name on your heart
Without (you) speaking I can read you
As a child reads a book
Pages and pages and pages
Won't soothe the hunger though

Words are air but your voice stays
Words are air but your voice stays

Surprising adventures and marvellous skies
Your unspoken tale reveals to me
New perspectives new angles the
Landscape puts on
As your silent tale goes on and on
Pages and pages and pages
Won't soothe the hunger though

Words are air but your voice stays
Words are air but your voice stays

Talk to me with your eyes only
Eyes of emerald of crystal is your glance
Limpid and obscure
As the simplest deepest secret
Uncomprehensible mistery
Clear as lunar light your voice shines
In the sharp air and the view changes again
Again and again and again

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