Meg, Katia Labèque - SHE'S CALLING ME testo (lyrics)

[Meg, Katia Labèque - SHE'S CALLING ME testo lyrics]

Me chiamma ancora, me chiamma n'ata vota
Comme na sirena me fa perdere 'a capa
I' non pozzo cchiù dormí
I' non pozzo cchiù fuí
Ora so comme te fa sentí
È na catena, ma nun te fa soffrí

She's calling me and I can't hide away
Now I can breathe some fresh notes in the air
I've been hiding away
(Been hiding, been hiding)
I've been far away (Far away)

Now I know this is my place to stay
Now I know I know what to say
She's calling me again
(She's calling me again)

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