MIGHTYM’O’T - FAITH AGAIN songtext (lyrics)

[MIGHTYM’O’T - FAITH AGAIN songtext lyrics]

Wake up in the morning on a
Different vibe like homie isn’t high
I’m on top of the sky spiritual

Blessings coming, falling down heavy b

Man i don’t move sight
Man I walk by my faith
Yea yea Yo yo yolo yo mate
I don’t move sight man I walk by my fa aaith

I don’t move sight man I walk by my faith
My faith

Christ paved the way and
There ain’t no debate

And all the faking hatred can go that way
The sauce of lOVE AND LIFE COME in LIFE
Living and walking in dominion lIGHT

Bless THEMOSTHIGH when I’m walking in
Walking round them boy seeing my light

Dripping the sauce bless themosthigh
He made me Right

Man i don’t move sight
Man I walk by my faith
Yea yea Yo yo yolo yo yo mate
I don’t move sight man I walk by my fa aaith

I don’t move sight man I walk by my faith
My faith

Star shine bright and the moon light
Glow in the night if you got love and
You ain’t showing it tHEN That means you
Gone starve in the right them boys there
They DONT know bout the parables that
Man spit aLRIGHT
Man pray And mAN MAN PRAISE EVERYway
So man won’t fall no way

Yea right man Blaze
Wake Pray every single day dough

Dipdrip dri ri rip that sauce
Hella homie talking they gone they stone
They gone they don’t know what a man on
MAN CAN’T be no fake man BLAZE

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