MiQ, LINA - Stains Of Effort songtext (lyrics)

[MiQ, LINA - Stains Of Effort songtext lyrics]

I don't know what I don't know
But I know I don't know
And all I feel inside
Is somethin' isn't right

And all I feel inside is pain and pressure
Scars on my arm it's the stains of effort
None of these strains
Couldn't save me, never
Really sure if I'ma make it till like 87
I hate this heaven we paint
Gotta die to see gates
Gotta hold it all inside
Cause if we cry then we ain't
Strong enough to make it thru
They ask, how old is you
Couldn't really know what stress is homie
You should count your blessings
Told me, everything I know already
Pen in hand I hold it steady
Write a suicide note to know it's ready
I'm petty and I'm jealous and hot headed
I heavy develop a love for bottle
Cause I think that I'll feel better
When I'm gone when I'm gone
But I don't shit why I don't

I find myself designing
These bolded lines I'm hiding on my skin
And I bleed and I
Drown my lungs in the bathroom sink
Since he made a hole in me
I think that I'm done yeah I'm done

I don't know what I don't know
But I know I don't know
And all I feel inside
Is somethin' isn't right

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