Modeliste Magazine, Machine Gun Kelly - The Real Reel: Machine Gun Kelly lyrics

[Modeliste Magazine, Machine Gun Kelly - The Real Reel: Machine Gun Kelly lyrics]

Machine Gun Kelly is as self-effacing as he
Is talented known also
By his real name Colson
Baker, MGK effortlessly defies
Easy categorization from his rise to
Stardom and life in the spotlight
The complexities he shares in
His song lyrics
Machine Gun Kelly has paved his own path
On his own terms with so
Much talent in one place
Hard work, brilliance
And a certain kind of honest vulnerability
Machine Gun Kelly's open enthusiasm
Has been inextricable from
His life's work machine Gun Kelly is a
Testament to his chameleonic qualities
- and to the
Fact that he is ultimately only ever
Himself there's something gratifying about
Seeing someone like Machine
Gun Kelly grow because one knows there
Will be so much more to his story
Here is what we know so far

MGK: What up guys, this is Machine Gun Kelly
In the city of fuckin' devils and angels
Here shooting my cover for Modeliste

Modeliste: We are excited to have you as
The first male cover for Modeliste Magazine!

MGK: Tight

Modeliste: Can you share with us what your
Favorite look was from today's shoot?

MGK: My favorite look today came in the
Form of a very simple accessory, and that
Was just taking a button-up and tying it
Around i mean, classic move for yeah
For a rock and roll soul and
Just flipping it halfway around who
Would have thought that
Probably the least expensive item
In here added to
The outfit the most? So that one
The long trench
Half flipped around, button-up tied
Around, and extremely
Overly long earring there's only
Probably one person that
Could pull it off not naming any names
Modeliste: How would you describe
Your personal style?

MGK: I like passing by mirrors or windows
Especially since I travel so much, or when
You get a glance, you're, like, "oh shit
" and then you're, like, "oh shit
That's me tight" You
Know what I mean? Like, "oh shit" moments
You know? I used to pride
Myself on making really
Classic casual looks pop i used to be big
On black leather vests and just classic
Nice-fitting black
T-shirts with black skinny jeans i
Branded that with me
For the first five, six years of my career
And then now I'm kind of giving people the
Excitement of seeing me look different every
Time they see me so it's almost like you go
To a Machine Gun Kelly show and you
Do expect to look onstage
And be entertained by
Not just the voice or the band
But by the outfit as well

Modeliste: You're also the face of the fall
Winter 2017 John Varvatos campaign how did
You get involved with John Varvatos?

MGK: Me and John Varvatos met
Outside of one of his
Shows a couple years back that
I was invited to
And I was actually leaving the event
To go smoke a joint varvatos
Was walking past me, and a mutual friend
Was like, "hey John Varvatos, this is
Machine Gun Kelly machine Gun Kelly, this
Is John Varvatos" John was like, "oh, wow
Cool nice to meet
You, man where are you going?"
And I was like, "Well
I'm gonna actually go smoke this joint
If you want me to be completely
Honest with you" And he's
Like, "I'm coming with you" And apparently
We're still riding that same high
Because we're good friends and
We're campaigning together

Modeliste: Tell us about your
Collaboration with Reebok

MGK: I think there's a huge, kind
Of, cultural renaissance of classic styles
And I don't think there is a
'90s era without speaking about Reeboks
Being a '90s kid myself and carrying
A lot of that spirit around with me
I think Reebok needed the
Young Gunner and the
Young Gunner needed Reebok you know what
I mean? So I think we're two people with the
Same initiative at the same time, to, like
Bring cool shit back and make
It the shit again!

Modeliste: So going to your music
Where do you draw your inspiration from
When you're creating your music?

MGK: You know, it's funny on my last
Album, I wrote the song "27
" and I was talking about how
You almost have to create pain
Just to get inspiration when you get
To a point where your
Normal pain is gone it's weird
Because normal pain is
Of an average kid growing up and you realize
"oh, well, the real world is
Here now and, like
I'm broke and I don't have future plans
And I don't know what I'm gonna
Do" That creates this beautiful hunger
That people tend to lose i don't know if
I'm just really good at having bad luck
Or really good
At just creating my anxiety and pain
But it just keeps coming and the hunger
Just keeps getting better
And crafted better it's not like
I'm fucking Lauryn Hill over here, but, like
There's just something
Cool about the way I sing the lyrics I write
And i just realized that on my
Third album so it seems
Like I'm just finding out how
To use my voice, which is crazy

Modeliste: Do you have a favorite
Song on this album?

MGK: My favorite song on my new
Album is "Let You Go" It's
A song I wrote in my bedroom
After the biggest breakup of
Probably the first real, intense that's
A lie the first grown, intense
Breakup for me it's like, I
Wrote three chords, four chords, and it
Fuckin' goes off when we perform it
Live and you know what? I
Love looking in the crowd and seeing
A bunch of beautiful women
With broken hearts just singing the night
Away that's where I'm at
Right now women singing and being
Free and sharing their big
Bright smiles makes me happy

Modeliste: What is a collaboration which
You would love to have?

MGK: It would be pretty cool to do stage
Collaborations right now i
Think studio collaborations
I don't know sometimes you collab
With people and you never know
If you're gonna get the
Gem you want from them i'm
More looking for, like, a really cool tour
To do me and Linkin Park
Were supposed to do a
Generationally untouchable tour the idea of
It is still grand, and forever will
Be grand, and it's fucking awesome i think
I'm just now looking
For something to fill that void
Because that was, like
The ultimate collaboration

Modeliste: You perform with a
Full band and tie
Together both rock and hip-hop elements to
Your performance would you say
That the traditional
Boundaries of musical genres are dead?
MGK: I would say that
The traditional boundaries
Are dead, but back when they weren't
I was still doing music and I remember
People being like, "well
How do you categorize your music?" Or, like
"what genre are you?" 'Cause I would
Come out with a
Fucking club banger and I'd still have a
Six-inch mohawk i've always been
Very hard to put
In a genre yeah, I don't know, i don't know

Modeliste: What do you enjoy
Most and feel most
Passionate about when you're on
Stage and touring?
Do you have any of those "ah ha"
Moments when you're onstage, and you're like

MGK: Yep, i've had a handful recently i
Had a stop-and-stare moment
And a soak-it-all-in moment the
Other day onstage i was actually here in Los
Angeles performing outside of
The Colosseum, which I think it's, like, 90
Capacity or something like that and I'm on
The show and I go out there
And I'm performing this
Song called "Kiss the Sky" And, ironically
There's this patch
Of clouds and then the sun popped out
That was tight

I started wearing sunglasses
In concert because sometimes I just want to
Cover who I am and I don't want to let
People in yet sometimes I'll keep
Them on the whole show
Other times I'll keep them
On maybe until, like, the sixth song
Or something, or other times maybe they'll
Just make me feel
So comfortable right away that
I'm like, "fuck this, look at me!"
But other times, I'm like, just
Depending on my mood like
That was a really dark week for me last week
So I had my fucking glasses on but
I'll tell you what, I looked
Up and through the clouds, a
Giant airplane just burst through the
Clouds i forgot LAX is
Like, right there, and it was just
Like, "stop the whole song
" but the chords are still
Playing i'm like, "everybody, look up at
The fucking plane and just look around" And
It's, like what a beautiful moment
You know what I mean? It
Sounds lame and maybe
I was just high, but it was really i mean
It's just a fuckin' plane, but to play
In that setting is, like, whoa

Recently, I was just in Norway playing at
The top of a hill, like, the
Top of the hill, and I, like
Looked over and there's this lake, and then
You're in Norway then the police come and
Detain you, and you get arrested, and
Then et cetera but until that point, it
Was a really, really beautiful view, hahaha

Modeliste: What do you like to do
Most when you're not working?

MGK: I don't do anything else i
Just obsessively pluck at Machine Gun
Kelly yeah, when I'm not doing cool
Things as Machine Gun Kelly
I'm mostly just criticizing how much I should
Be doing something cool at
That very moment so
It took me eight months to use my
Pool that I had in the back of
My house, which was a fuckin' lit
Cool pool i just never did normal
Things i would never leave my
Room or a studio
Because it was just, like, "at any moment
You could create the best song ever" Like
"you need the best song ever you need it
Man" like, "you're not filling up arenas
Dude you need
The best song ever" I just sit there, and
I just sit there until it hit's me obviously
I haven't made the best song ever yet
So I'm just probably gonna keep
Sitting here until it happens

You know what I mean? So I'm gonna chill
For sure, but it's just not now
So what do I do in my
Spare time? I focus on becoming
A better friend, better father, better
Entertainer i have sex, smoke
And just work on frankenstein dude just pick
At Frankenstein all
Day he hasn't woken up yet
So I'm gonna just keep picking
At Frankenstein until he
Decides to get up and beat my heart

Modeliste: What's something on your bucket
List that you would
Love to accomplish in the next five years?

MGK: On my "fuck it" list?
Everything i'm just playing
Fuck it bucket list would
Probably be bucket list
Would be just getting in a mood
And being in a mood at the
Met Gala or something do you
Know what I mean? Like, just a
Classic career moment, like, "dude
Machine Gun Kelly got wasted
And this happened" Like, just
Getting one of those under my belt is
Like just because I'm already stuck in
The job of a celebrity at this
Point you know what I mean?
Quote-unquote so it's like, I might
As well get a like
God, that Kanye, Taylor Swift moment was
Like i mean, you look back and you're like
It's fucked
Up, but it's just like prime TV, dude it's
So good and, you know, it's in hindsight
So it's like "fuck off" We were all
Sitting at the edge of our seat
Like, "oh shit!" You know what I
Mean? I'm good for that
Trust me i live in my skin
I didn't do all these "oh
Shit" moments just for the six people
That were there to enjoy
It six million people need to
See a good MGK, like, "fuck it" moment

Modeliste: Well, we're sorry for that

MGK: I just hope my it's cool, I don't, like
Get the wrong moment, it's like, "oh fuck

Modeliste: Someone makes you the moment?
MGK: If it doesn't turn out, oh yeah, then
We'll see how it goes i won't try
I'll just keep letting it naturally happen

Modeliste: It'll happen

MGK: yeah, it'll happen it's gonna happen

Modeliste: Do you have any particular artist
Or record that you feel
Inspired you to follow the path
Of becoming a musician?

MGK: Okay when it comes
To inspiration I guess, or how
I started, I think I spoke on how I started
But I think there got to
Be a point where I was re-inspired
And was able to talk about
Things a little differently, a little bit
I'm a pretty dark person, without
The stigma of, like, "oh yeah, I'm dark
I'm emo" I say I don't
Try to be, it's just naturally what
It is, and it's, like, something
I'm just it's just, fuck it is
Sometimes I just like being sad
You know what I mean? Like, sometimes
It's just not you know
I'm just not my chemicals in
My body are, like, the first emotion
That comes is not happiness so I
Kinda was struggling with that, trying to
Cover it up, and then I discover, like
Gonzo journalism and I was
Like, "whoa, this is really intense, and
It's really graphic and dark, and
The subject matters are weird hunter S
Thompson's one of the faces
Of gonzo journalism, if not the
Creator of gonzo journalism, and he was a
Very, like, quirky, weird guy i
Was telling him earlier, it's funny if
You work with me i'm a very
Very untraditional co-worker very, yeah
I have methods that I just tapped
Into and try to attain whatever
Vibe it is that I want to put out on a record

So I think that I've achieved like
"27?" I don't give a fuck what
You think about Machine Gun Kelly "27"
Is absolutely, from front to back
A perfect example of how you can display the
Most pure form of yourself on a song

Modeliste: Wow

MGK: You know what I mean? There
Should be classes on that
Song, because it blows my mind
Every time I hear it, and I fuckin' wrote it
But you know what's crazy? I didn't even
Write the most intense part of
The song, I didn't write i just
Picked up a little demo mic, and I just sat
They were playing something, and I just said
The first thing that came to mind
And it was the chorus of the whole
Song it was just super it was
Just like my subconscious speaking
Because I didn't even think about
It i sort of
Just said it it was the darkest
And everyone was like, "holy shit
" and the room just stopped and it was weird
Then we pressed record and no one said
Anything about it and then we put the song
Out and the fans said everything about it

MGK: I have this movie coming out next
Year called Captive State it's the first
Huge is a big word, but it's the
First big budget, big, big budget
Motion picture that I've been a part of first
Sci-fi thing I've been a part of

I've just been doing a lot of music
And I think I owe the streets some
Bounce i think I owe the rock
Community some more of that people
Keep trying to figure out
Who I am i'm just the Gunner dude it's just
There is no fucking genre i make what type of
Music I want to make i'm a punker
I'll beat your motherfuckin'
Ass, and I've been through a
Lot of shit you can't
Put me in a box, bitch i'm six foot four
It doesn't fit

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