Neil Cicierega - Annoyed Grunt songtext (lyrics)

[Neil Cicierega - Annoyed Grunt songtext lyrics]

Welcome to Larry King Live!
How do you explain Tim Allen?

Oh-wa ah ah ah! Ugh ugh!
Dooby dooby-dub-dub-dub, ah

Phil Collins is next!

Da boom na da noom na namena!

Oh-wa ah ah ah! Ugh ugh!
Dooby dooby-dub-dub-dub, ah
Dah dah dah dah dah, dee dee dee dee dee
Right on d'oh d'oh d'oh-d'oh d'oh
Fwssh fwssh fwssh

All I wanna do is d'oh d'oh d'oh d'oh
And a yeah baby!
And take your money

Da boom na da noom na namena! EARGH?

Doo doo doo doo

Du hast du hast mich

All I wanna do is

And a

And take your money all I wanna do is
Oh-wa ah ah and a
Ugh ugh!

And take your money

Da boom na da noom na sHIKAKA!

God damn it lady
You know I ain't lying to ya
I'm only gonna tell you one time
Dooby dooby-dub-dub-dub, ah aah yeah! Woo!
Oh-wa ah ah ah! Ugh ugh!

I can't wait to read this book
They tell me there's a
Story in the book about you
Having sex with a ghost?

Oh boy, yeah, this was at a time when
I was filming Ghostbusters​

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