Nena - A Love Letter songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - A Love Letter songtext lyrics]

If you have a moment will you stay
Will you spent your time listen to my story

If you have more time will you be
Someone I can trust or maybe my first love

Where have you been all my live?
Why don't you love me more?

I wonder how it feels like
To be your favorite one
I wonder how it feels like to
Be a place you call home


Cause when you're here
It feels like you're not here
Cause even you stay fells like
You're in another space

I wonder how it feels like
To be your favorite one
I wonder how it feels like to
Be a place you call home


If you have a moment will you stay
Will you spent your time listen to my story

I thought that I hate you but now I realize
How much I miss you and need your figure

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