Nena - Are You Awake? songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Are You Awake? songtext lyrics]

A quarter after midnight
I'm half past out of reason
Our bodies still entwined from making love
While you're asleep I tell you
What I'm thinking of
In our apartment all the rooms
Have taken on your personality
The living room has overshadowed me
I feel as restless as these bedroom sheets

All my inhibitions disappear
Suddenly the words escape
And I make-believe you're listening
I say: "Baby, are you awake?"

My concentration flutters
Like a candle's temperamental flame
Can't talk to you, can't tell you
Can't share this little hell with you
You're slipping through my fingers
I'm falling from your arm
And when I whisper all the
Secrets that I keep
You probably think I'm talking in my sleep

All my inhibitions disappear
Suddenly the words escape
And I make-believe you're listening
I say: "Baby, are you awake?"
Baby, are you awake?

You reach for me and call my name
And softly breathe against my skin
Your voice is echoing familiar sentences
Ohh, you've been listening to
Every word I said

All my inhibitions disappear
Suddenly the words escape
And I make-believe you're listening
I say: "Baby, are you awake?"
All my inhibitions disappear
Suddenly the words escape
And I make-believe you're listening
I say: "Baby, are you awake?"

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