Nena - Auf Wiedersehen songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Auf Wiedersehen songtext lyrics]

When we steal away a quiet weekend
Three days seem like years
These days seem light-years away
When I'm alone and you're not here

That's how it always ends with us
And how it always begins
You and I caught in a tailspin then suddenly
Auf Wiedersehn for you auf Wiedersehn for me

Many times we've flown a thousand miles
We're just twenty-four hours alone
There's an empty pillow by my head
With the scent of your cologne

The minute I lay eyes on you
The distance fades away
Time and time we say hello again
Then suddenly auf Wiedersehn for you
Auf Wiedersehn for me until we meet again

I wait 'til the sun rises
But I think it looks like rain
You and I will say goodbye
Until we meet again auf Wiedersehn
It looks like rain
You and I will say goodbye
Until we meet again auf Wiedersehn

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