Nena - Caravan of Love songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Caravan of Love songtext lyrics]

Are you ready, are you ready?
Are you ready for the time of your life?
It´s time to stand up and fight it´s alright

Hand in hand we´ll take
A caravan to the motherland it´s alright
One by one

We gonna stand up with the pride
One that can´t be denied stand up
From the highest mountain valley low
We´ll join together with hearts of gold

Now the children of the world can see
There´s a better place for us to be
The place when we were born
So neglected and torn apart

Every woman, every man
Join the caravan of love stand up, stand up
Everybody take a stand
Join the caravan of love stand up, stand up

I´m your brother
He´s your brother don´t you know
I´m your sister
She´s your sister don´t you know
I´m your brother
He´s your brother don´t you know
I´m your sister
She´s your sister don´t you know

Every woman, every man
Join the caravan of love stand up, stand up
Everybody take a stand
Join the caravan of love stand up, stand up

Every woman, every man
Join the caravan of love stand up, stand up
Everybody take a stand
Join the caravan of love stand up, stand up


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