Nena - Children of the Revolution songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Children of the Revolution songtext lyrics]

Yeah well you can bump and grind
It is good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout
Let it all hang out but you won't fool the
Children of the revolution
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolution, no no no

Well you can tear a plane in the falling rain
I drive a rolls royce 'cos
It's good for my voice
But you won't fool the
Children of the revolution
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolution, no no no - yeah!

But you won't fool the
Children of the revolution
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolution
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolution
No you won't fool the
Children of the revolution
No way, yeah, wow!

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