Nena - Hero songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Hero songtext lyrics]

You might be a hero you might be a star
You might be a hero we don't know it so far
You might be a hero you might be a star
You might be so beautiful
We don't know it so far

Please don't come knockin' at night
Never gonna have you so tight
You might be a hero
You might be weak but a star
We don't know anything
Haven't seen you so far

You might be a hero you might be weak
You could be anything
Never talk in your sleep you might be a hero
You might be a star you might be beautiful
Never seen you so far

Please don't come knockin' at night
Never gonna have you so tight
You might be a hero
You might be weak but a star
We don't know anything
Haven't seen you so far

Please don't come knockin' at night
Never again gonna have you so tight
You might be a hero we don't know it so far
You might be beautiful you could be a star
Please don't come knockin' at night
Please don't come knockin' at night
You might be beautiful
We don't know it so far you could be a hero
You could be a star

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