Nena - It’s All in the Game songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - It’s All in the Game songtext lyrics]

There was an old man
Who was robbing himself blind
For too many years
The only thing he stole was time
He gambled with only a moment to spare
His destiny close - he could
Taste it in the air
Seized him without warning
Disarmed him of his plans
But the odds were even
He'd won a second chance
He laughed and said it's all in the game
Remember that winning isn't everything

Live to the limit and listen to your heart
Don't let life leave you
Standing in the dark luck fades away
But the spirit never dies
It's all in the game
Keep the fire in your eyes

Break in a sweat
Pull up your collar and cuff
Tryin' your best
Sometimes your best ain't good enough
Some people spend years at a time
Other people spend every nickel and dime
You're gonna have to play
Or pay the consequence lay your money down
Or put in down to experience remember that
It's all in the game don't forget
Winning isn't everything

Live to the limit and listen to your heart
Don't let life leave you
Standing in the dark luck fades away
But the spirit never dies
It's all in the game
Keep the fire in your eyes

Break in a sweat
Pull up your collar and cuff
Tryin' your best
Sometimes your best ain't good enough
Some people spend years at a time
Other people spend every nickel and dime
You're gonna have to play
Or pay the consequence lay your money down
Or put in down to experience remember that
It's all in the game don't forget
Winning isn't everything

Live to the limit and listen to your heart
Don't let life leave you
Standing in the dark luck fades away
But the spirit never dies
It's all in the game
Keep the fire in your eyes live to the limit
And listen to your heart
Don't let life leave you
Standing in the dark luck fades away
But the spirit never dies
It's all in the game
Keep the fire in your eyes

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