Nena - Just a Dream songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Just a Dream songtext lyrics]

I am so alone waitin' by the phone
Your hand is in my hair
I'd know it anywhere
I feel so sad when I think of you
We're lyin' in the sand and I understand

There's nothin' else I want to do
I spend all day dreamin' of you
I haven't seen you for a while
I need your kiss, I miss your smile
All the things I like you for
Make me want you more and more
I don't know what to say
I've got to get to you today

I can feel the heat standin' next to you
Think about you all the time
Never get you off my mind

There's nothin' else I wanna do
I spend all day dreamin' of you
I haven't seen you for a while
I need your kiss, I miss your smile
All the things I like you for
Make me want you more and more
I don't know what to say
I've got to get to you today

There's nothin' else I wanna do
I spend all day dreamin' of you
I haven't seen you for a while
I need your kiss, I miss your smile
All the things I like you for
Make me want you more and more
I don't know what to say
I've got to get to you today

There's nothin' else I wanna do
I spend all day dreamin' of you
I haven't seen you for a while
I need your kiss, I miss your smile
All the things I like you for
Make me want you more and more

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