Nena - Nobody songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Nobody songtext lyrics]

So it's over now
I don't wanna feel this pain
So let me just stop now
Don't force me to stay

Your word's such a knife
And my heart won't stop bleeding
But still it's my fault
Cause I let you did it

Somehow I feel that I'm torn in between
And all you can do is just keep on blaming
It always is my fault from the beginning
And it's tiring i understand

Nobody loves me nobody wants to stay
Nobody listening cause nobody cares

Nobody loves me nobody wants to stay
Nobody listening cause nobody cares
Nobody, Nobody

Nobody, Nobody nobody, Nobody cares
Nobody, Nobody


Nobody loves me nobody wants to stay
Nobody listening cause nobody cares

Nobody loves me nobody wants to stay
Nobody listening cause nobody cares

Nobody, Nobody (Nobody loves me)
Nobody, Nobody (Nobody wants to stay)
Nobody, Nobody (Nobody listening)
Nobody, Nobody (Cause nobody cares)

So it's over now
I don't wanna feel this pain
So let me just stop now
Don't force me to stay

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