Nena - Woman on Fire songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - Woman on Fire songtext lyrics]

There's a fire when I taste
The heat upon your lips
A shock like a warning sign
Runs through your fingertips
I'm breathing deep in danger
You're searing through my skin
And I can feel your bodyheat, bodyheat
Burnin' within

Where there's danger and desire
There's a woman on fire
And the woman on fire is me
I'm a woman on fire woman on fire
I'm a woman on fire for you

Like the tail of a meteor
Glowing in the dark
I smoke you like a cigarette
Hang on to every spark
The rhythm and the danger
Pulse beneath my skin
And I can feel your heartbeat, heartbeat
Poundin' within

Where there's danger and desire
There's a woman on fire
And the woman on fire is me
I'm a woman on fire woman on fire
I'm a woman on fire for you

I'm a woman on fire woman on fire
I'm a woman on fire fire

I need the danger i feel desire
(Bodyheat, bodyheat) i wanna taste the heat
I wanna taste it the heat upon your lips
Running through my fingertips
I smoke you like a cigarette
I wanna feel your heartbeat, heartbeat
I wanna feel your bodyheat, bodyheat

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