Nena - You Don’t Have to Cry songtext (lyrics)

[Nena - You Don’t Have to Cry songtext lyrics]

Just love, don't fight just love

You don't have to say you love me, baby
I don't have to cry
Take your love and run away, my baby
I'm not gonna die

We think too much of love
And lose more than we win
Respect is what I want
That way there is no sin
I know my way right now
I leave you lying there
I'm okay, my pretty baby and I don't
I don't care

You don't have to say you love me, baby
I don't have to cry
Take your love and run away, my baby
I'm not gonna die

Please take your time, my love
And do it like you feel
Nobody can show you life
And you know how to deal
Never forget your roots, man
Nor the place you grow up
If you hold that in your heart
A better world is what we start

You don't have to say you love me, baby
I don't have to cry
Take your love and run away, my baby
I'm not gonna die
You don't have to say you love me, baby
I don't have to cry
Take your love and run away, my baby
I'm not gonna die

Black and white is like day and night
Just love, don't fight
Just love, don't fight
Don't fight, don't fight

You don't have to say you love me, baby
I don't have to cry
Take your love and run away, my baby
I'm not gonna die

You don't have to cry
You don't have to cry
You don't have to cry
You don't have to cry
Don't cry, don't cry
You don't have to cry
You just have to say you love me
You don't have to cry
And you're free, my dear i love you
You can do whatever you want
Just give me a kiss i still don't know
Oh please i still love you, my dear

Just love, don't fight
Just love, baby, don't fight

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